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2020-2025 JSPS  科研費 若手研究  20K12886  (Japan society for the promotion of science)

2019-2021 稲盛財団 稲盛研究助成  (Inamori Research Grants)


Tokyo Geidai student projects of hand-drawn360-degree images and videos

Nahomi Maki

Asian Animation Eeducation Network 2024, Bangkok, January 2024

● 映像における視点・視線・画角の多様性を考えるための演習〜5年間の全方位アニメーション制作演習をふりかえって〜

牧 奈歩美,  日本アニメーション学会第25回全国大会 2023年8月20日

VR Animation Assignment for Students with a Background in Traditional Hand-Drawing Techniques

Nahomi Maki

SIGGRAPH '21: ACM SIGGRAPH 2021 Educators Forum August 2021 Article No.: 7Pages 1–2

3D aerial display with micro mirror array plate and reversed depth integral photography

Nahomi Maki, Toshiaki Yamanouchi, Kazuhisa Yanaka

July 2019 SIGGRAPH '19: ACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Posters

● フルーム短編3DCGアニメーション“THE PLANET CUBE”

牧 奈歩美,  2018年2月,  情報処理学会論文誌デジタルコンテンツ(DCON) 6巻1号1-7頁

THE PLANET CUBE: a full-dome/VR surreal short film

Nahomi Maki

November 2017 SA '17: SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 VR Showcase

Creation of 3DCG animation using a four-plane depth-fused display

Nahomi Maki, Toshiaki Yamanouchi, Teluhiko Hilano, Kazuhisa Yanaka

July 2017 SIGGRAPH '17: ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 Posters

Real-time integral photography using a game engine

​Shohei Anraku, Fumihiko Ishiwata, Nahomi Maki, Toshiaki Yamanouchi, Kazuhisa Yanaka
July 2017 SIGGRAPH '17: ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 Posters

Attention Value of Motion Graphics on Digital Signages

Tsubasa Kato, Nahomi Maki

19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2017

Production of a Horror Movie Using a Head-Mounted Display with a Head-Tracking System

Kenichi Sera, Takashi Kitada and Nahomi Maki

18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2016

Natural user interface for integral photography of dispersion-rendered diamond

​Nahomi Maki and Kazuhisa Yanaka

February 2016 I3D '16: Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games

Display of diamond dispersion using wavelength-division rendering and integral photography
Nahomi Maki, Kazuhisa Yanaka
July 2015 SIGGRAPH '15: ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 Posters

Underwater Integral Photography

Nahomi Maki and KazuhisaYanaka

IEEE Virtual Reality 2015 

Virtual Aquarium: Mixed Reality Consisting of 3DCG Animation and Underwater Integral Photograph

Nahomi Maki andKazuhisa Yanaka

the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, short paper, 2015 

Simple wavelength division rendering method for transparent objects using common 3DCG software
Nahomi Maki, Kazuhisa Yanaka
November 2014 SA '14: SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 Posters

3D CG Integral Photography Artwork Using Glittering Effects in the Post-processing of Multi-viewpoint Rendered Images

​Nahomi Maki and Kazuhisa Yanaka

June 2014 Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Human Interface and the Management of Information.

Information and Knowledge in Applications and Services - Volume 8522

3DCG art expression on a tablet device using integral photography
Nahomi Maki, Akihiko Shirai, Kazuhisa Yanaka
April 2014 VRIC '14: Proceedings of the 2014 Virtual Reality International Conference

● 短編3DCGアニメーション“Fossil Tears”
牧 奈歩美,  
情報処理学会論文誌デジタルコンテンツ(DCON)2巻1号1-7頁​​,  山下記念研究賞受賞

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